“I have Bear (tiger from Major League Baseball litter) and I want to reach out and let you know how incredible he is!
Shortly after we got him I got really sick, my whole digestive system shut down and I’ve spent a lot of time in hospital and home on IV nutrition and dealing with a lot of pain and trauma for the past two years. I honestly don’t know if I would still be here without the companionship and loyalty of Bear. He has helped me through my darkest days and still does!
He and I are working together with a training organization and he is my service dog in training! We are training him for tasks to help with panic attacks and anxiety and as a medical alert and I have a very serious allergy to gluten.
His temperament is AMAZING and the early work you did with him paid off big time as he isn’t afraid or startled by anything in our training. Our training is continuously amazed by his intelligence!
I just wanted to write you a little note to share what a difference he has made for me in my journey!